

  • n. 北欧海盗



复数: Vikings;


1. 维京Viking,意是“来自峡湾的人”。维京人泛指生活于公元800年——1066年之间所有的斯堪的纳维亚人。他们从事广泛的海外贸易和殖民扩张,海盗时代初期,维京人对英格兰海岸及欧洲大陆的修道院、教堂和其他一些易于攻击之地发起猛烈进攻,他们因此被描绘成杀人如麻的掠夺者,但实际上他们既是开拓者又是侵略者,既是伟大的探险家又是无恶不作的强盗,既是勤劳的商人又是冷酷的征服者。
2. 有一种说法认为这个词的词源可能是来源于古代北欧人的语言,“vik”意思是“海湾”,“ing”意思是“从……来”,“维京”就是两个词根加起来,意思是指在海湾中从事某种事。
3. 维京人(Viking)泛指北欧海盗。


Viking 维京人,北欧海盗



viking: [19] There are two competing theories as to the origin of the word viking. If its ancestry is genuinely Scandinavian (and Old Norse víkingr is first recorded in the 10th century), then it was presumably based on Old Norse vík ‘inlet’, and it would denote etymologically ‘person who lives by the fjords’ – a logical enough notion. However, earlier traces of the word have been found in Old English and Old Frisian, from around the 8th century, which suggests the alternative theory that it may have been coined from Old English wīc ‘camp’ (ancestor of the -wick, -wich of English place-names).

On this view, the term originated as a word used by the Anglo-Saxons for the Norse raiders, who made temporary camps while they attacked and plundered the local populace. It was introduced into modern English at the start of the 19th century as an antiquarian’s or historian’s term.

Viking (n.)
Scandinavian pirate, 1801, vikingr, in "The History of the Anglo-Saxons" by English historian Sharon H. Turner (1768-1847); he suggested the second element might be connected to king:
The name by which the pirates were at first distinguished was Vikingr, which perhaps originally meant kings of the bays. It was in bays that they ambushed, to dart upon the passing voyager.
But this later was dismissed as incorrect. The form viking is attested in 1820, in Jamieson's notes to "The Bruce." The word is a historians' revival; it was not used in Middle English, but it was reintroduced from Old Norse vikingr "freebooter, sea-rover, pirate, viking," which usually is explained as meaning properly "one who came from the fjords," from vik "creek, inlet, small bay" (cognates: Old English wic, Middle High German wich "bay," and second element in Reykjavik). But Old English wicing and Old Frisian wizing are almost 300 years older than the earliest attestation of the Old Norse word, and probably derive from wic "village, camp" (large temporary camps were a feature of the Viking raids), related to Latin vicus "village, habitation" (see villa).

The connection between the Norse and Old English words is still much debated. The period of Viking activity was roughly 8c. to 11c. In the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the raiding armies generally were referred to as þa Deniscan "the Danes," while those who settled in England were identified by their place of settlement. Old Norse viking (n.) meant "freebooting voyage, piracy;" one would "go on a viking" (fara í viking).


1. The Nicolet - Viking - Select system was used for SSR and RRIV detection.


2. Six hundred Viking boats attacked Hamburg , which was set on fire.
600艘海盗船袭击汉堡, 汉堡惨遭焚烧.

来自英汉非文学 - 文明史

3. Viking : Either of two unmanned U.S. spacecraft launched by NASA in 1975.
海盗号: 美国国家航空暨太空总署在1975年发射的两个不载人的宇宙飞船.


4. A backpack is a Viking helmet - neither should be a crowed train.


5. The Viking and Mars Pathfinder images from the surface look eerily Earth - like.
